Aspros Kavos
Distance from Chora: -
Distance from Livadi: -
Distance from the port: -
Aspros Kavos is not a beach and is not suitable for everyone. It offers an amazing wild scenery, surrounded by rocks of various sizes and shapes. Right in front, the almost stagnant sea starts about 15 meters deep. The large slab stones act as a shore, but you need to climb them carefully in order to get out of the sea if you decide to swim. When the wind is south the stones are fully covered by waves and the place can be extremely dangerous. It is located at the south of the island and in many maps it is only referred to as a “cape”. But since it is a favorite hermitage of only a few, we will not disclose more information as to its exact location and how you will get there. If you are lucky enough to find the way, or someone that can take you there, respect and enjoy the peaceful scenery.