Distance from Chora: 6,7 km
Distance from Livadi: 2 km
Distance from the port: 0,7 n.m.
You can reach Karavi beach on foot, passing the hill on the west side of Livadakia beach, or going down the road that starts from the village of Ramos. The sandy coast, the clear water and the view of Sifnos island make the beach one of your best choices, especially if you don’t have a means of transportation.
At a short distance from the beach, only a few meters below the surface of the sea, lies the reef that caused at least one ship to sink, thus the whole area was later named “Karavi” (/kα’rαvi/, i.e. ship). The shipwreck was discovered in the mid-1980s, along with dozens of amphorae, which unfortunately were illicitly taken the years that followed.