Psili Ammos
Distance from Chora: 8 km
Distance from Livadi: 3,5 km
Distance from the port: 3,6 n.m.
Psili Ammos is on the east side, shortly after the Dam, and is considered the most popular beach of Serifos. The big golden sandy shore, with no pebble whatsoever and plenty of shady spots, has been adored by thousands of visitors and was named “the best beach of Europe” for the year 2003. The kids love it for its shallow clear blue waters, while racket (beach tennis) players find here their ideal terrain. The scenery is exotic when the wave licks the shore and dreamy at the same time when the lilies with their all-white flowers emerge from the sand. On the right there is a small beach between the rocks, which you can reach if you swim for a few minutes, while the cove on the right hides the beach of Ai Giannis.
In the summertime you may have trouble parking, however if you plan to enjoy your meal in one of the nearby taverns by the sea, after swimming, you could use their parking spaces for free.
We suggest that you avoid Psili Ammos if the Aegean winds are strong, since the thin sand sneaks everywhere and “whips” you annoyingly, from top to bottom.